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All pictures and texts in this web page are the property of Any use of any part of those contents without the written consent of shall be subject to legal procedures as per international and local laws in the concerned country. Using the name "nomaallim" or "nomaallim com" or "" in the text describing the unauthorized copied content shall not constitute an exception and shall be sanctioned in accordance to the effective laws and proceedings.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Note: the below works are widely compatible with any of the KAMA and KIPOR KDE5000, KDE5500, KDE6000 and KDE6500 generators.
Small generator camshaft repair pictorial
This engine stopped suddenly and does not restart. It cranks easily and at a high speed denoting a lack of compression. It seems one at least of the valves is stuck open. You may follow the below steps if you're facing similar trouble.
7- See related pages for extracting the generator from its canopy, separating and dismantling the engine. Pick the second half of the valve screw with a magnet.
8- The presence of debris is for sure linked to the broken screw reason why the camshaft is carefully inspected.
9- The crankshaft bearing is found broken. Some of it has melted into many small parts. The problem is found.