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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
How to fabricate clothes drying racks
As shown in the below pictures, the cloth rack is made our of the following commonly found material and accessories:
- 1" x 1" aluminum profile for the cloth hanger frame which is purchased pre-cut to size at the aluminum profile workshop
- The profiles are then assembled using their specific rigid plastic elbows which are inserted with a plastic hammer
- Eye hook screws are then fitted to the shorter sides by.
- The plastic covered steel cable is then introduced as shown.
- A turnbuckle on one side and a spring on the other, maintain the steel cloth wire tension.
- The cloth hanging steel cable is attached to he turnbuckle and spring with steel cable clamps.
How to fix the clothes drying racks to the wall
The steel plates are first held with one screw so they can rotate, then tried in their final place for knowing to which angle they should be fixed.
The cloth drying racks can be easily removed in this particular case by simply pulling them up.
It was not necessary to drill the wall below the glass curtain rail or use any other fixing
It was not necessary to drill the wall below the glass curtain rail or use any other fixing