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Wrought iron and cast iron furniture rust
This set of iron furniture suffers from normal surface corrosion that builds up with time.
Because it is made of plain iron , it can be easily cleaned and painted with a durable finish that will last 5 years.
Because it is made of plain iron , it can be easily cleaned and painted with a durable finish that will last 5 years.
Rust removal from metal furniture using a power drill wire brush
You can manage without power tool but the drill will help removing the rust deeper and faster.
A disc steel wire brush or cup wire brush is to be fitted to the power drill and the drill speed is adjusted to the one that gives the best results.
A disc steel wire brush or cup wire brush is to be fitted to the power drill and the drill speed is adjusted to the one that gives the best results.
Always hold the power drill in manner that the brush hits the metal with an angle.
Grind the metal with the brush until rust is removed and the iron shows below the paint.
Grind the metal with the brush until rust is removed and the iron shows below the paint.
Rust removal from iron furniture using an angle grinder
If your wrought iron furniture is flat and its legs made of steel profiles like this patio table, then better to use the angle grinder to remove the rust.
Last stage of furniture rust removal: hand brush
Complete with a metal brush in areas where both the drill and angle grinder did not reach.
See also...