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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction. Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability. |
Symptoms of a defective clutch bearing
Clutch bearing is very easy to diagnose as you will hear a bearing noise whenever you press on the clutch pedal, i.e. engage the clutch, which disappears whenever you release the clutch pedal, i.e. disengage the clutch.
How to access the clutch bearing
The below clutch bearing replacement was performed on a dismantled power unit as part of a complete engine rebuild intervention.
In order to access the clutch bearing on a vehicle, you need first to separate the gearbox from the engine.
Click on the below button to see how to split a manual gearbox from a transverse engine on any FWD vehicle, although this intervention occurred on a Peugeot 208 1.2 VTi PureTech.
In order to access the clutch bearing on a vehicle, you need first to separate the gearbox from the engine.
Click on the below button to see how to split a manual gearbox from a transverse engine on any FWD vehicle, although this intervention occurred on a Peugeot 208 1.2 VTi PureTech.
Replacing the clutch bearing on any gearbox (shown on Peugeot 208)
The clutch bearing and clutch fork are to be removed together and refitted together.
A used and worn clutch bearing would however disintegrate as shown in the below pictures.
It could be simply pulled out by hand event if the clutch fork is still in place.
A used and worn clutch bearing would however disintegrate as shown in the below pictures.
It could be simply pulled out by hand event if the clutch fork is still in place.
Hold the fork from behind and pull it out in order to dismantle its ball joint.
Clean well the cylinder around the gearbox shaft with any white degreaser like white spirit or kerosene.
Clean also the ball joint of the clutch fork, remove the old grease in particular.
Clean also the ball joint of the clutch fork, remove the old grease in particular.
Lubricate the gearbox shaft sleeve and the clutch fork ball joint with graphite grease.
Fit the new clutch bearing on the fork.
It usually holds with little "legs" in a manner it can still pivot on the fork.
Gently introduce the clutch bearing in the gearbox shaft then push the fork in order to re-assemble its ball joint.
That's it!
It usually holds with little "legs" in a manner it can still pivot on the fork.
Gently introduce the clutch bearing in the gearbox shaft then push the fork in order to re-assemble its ball joint.
That's it!