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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Replacing the distributor cap
1- Unclip the cap and look inside. A central carbon cylinder is missing in this one but this is unusual. In most cases the 4 contacts are worn and corroded which require the cap replacement.
2- Get a new cap that matches yours. You can see in this one the central carbon contact that went missing.
3- Mark the engine cylinder numbers on each terminal prior to removing the wires. Cylinder No1 is the one to the gearbox side. Do so by following the wires and seeing to which cylinder they connect.
4- Transpose them one by one to the new cap. Make sure to insert them well and fit the rubber protector.
5- Use a grit 150 or more sand paper on the rotor or replace it if its edge contact is worn, re-assemble the cap and proceed to the timing tuning.
Distributor complete replacement
See also...