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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
NOTE: The below works concerned a Peugeot 5008 equipped with a turbo-charged EP6 PSA BMW engine.
Same or similar engines can be found on Peugeot 207, 208, 308, 508, 3008, 5008 and Citroen C4, C4 Sedan, DS3, DS4, DS5 also the Mini Cooper and Cooper S.
Same or similar engines can be found on Peugeot 207, 208, 308, 508, 3008, 5008 and Citroen C4, C4 Sedan, DS3, DS4, DS5 also the Mini Cooper and Cooper S.
Symptoms of the Peugeot / Mini engine rattling noise
- Rattling occurs on a cold engine especially at the first engine start in the morning
- Rattle remains for a few minutes until engine is warm
- The frequency of the rattle increases with the engine RPM
- The intensity of the rattling noise increases upon decelerating or changing to lower gear, i.e. when the vehicle "pushes" the engine
- Vanishes once the engine is warm
The EP6 engine rattling noise is caused by the chain tensioner which has to be replaced by a new one as shown in the below pictorial.
Solving the PSA EP6 / BMW N18 engine rattling noise:
Locating the engine chain tensioner.
Unscrew both ends of the air tube that links the intercooler to the air intake tube, disconnect the turbo pressure sensor.
Remove the two bolts that hold the air tube: one beneath the tube to the front (left picture) and the other to the left of the tube (middle picture). Take out the air tube.
Now the most difficult part: use a short flat screwdriver to unscrew the collar of the air intake tube.
You cannot see how the air intake tube connects to the intake manifold, thus you will work blindly and with one hand only.
This has to be carried out with the left hand.
Start by touching the fixing collar with your fingers to locate the screw, then unscrew it by just as little as needed to be able to push back the air intake tube (left).
You cannot see how the air intake tube connects to the intake manifold, thus you will work blindly and with one hand only.
This has to be carried out with the left hand.
Start by touching the fixing collar with your fingers to locate the screw, then unscrew it by just as little as needed to be able to push back the air intake tube (left).
This will provide the necessary access to the chain tensioning bolt to which I point here with my finger:
Solving the PSA EP6 / BMW N18 engine rattling noise:
Changing the chain tensioner.
Fit a size 27 socket to your wrench and make sure it holds firmly to the chain tensioning bolt (left).
Use any strong and long tool as a lever to be supported by the engine lifting hook to slacken the chain tensioner (right).
Use any strong and long tool as a lever to be supported by the engine lifting hook to slacken the chain tensioner (right).
Use a large tray beneath the engine as some oil will come out when taking out completely the chain tensioner.
Replace it with a new one and reverse all above steps.
Replace it with a new one and reverse all above steps.