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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Simply let your stock, broth or sauce cool down to room temperature an put it in the fridge for 24 hours.
You can then notice how fat will solidify at the surface and can be taken out with a spoon!
That's it, noting however that it is a slow process meaning a few hours would not be enough to remove all fat, try to anticipate the fat removal from your sauce and keep it 24 hours in the fridge.
You can then notice how fat will solidify at the surface and can be taken out with a spoon!
That's it, noting however that it is a slow process meaning a few hours would not be enough to remove all fat, try to anticipate the fat removal from your sauce and keep it 24 hours in the fridge.