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You need to wear the proper Personal Protective Equipment prior to carrying out this work:
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Cleaning (brushing) the intake valves of a petrol engine
The intake valves are easily cleaned whatever the wire brush and power tool that are used.
You can even use a hand brush with no power tool at all since intake valves only accumulate wet oily and soft carbon deposits on indirect injection engines and loose not so hard carbon deposits on direct injection engines.
You can either use a fixed drill fitted with a cup brush as shown below and then hold the valve in your hand and brush it all around, or hold the valve with a bench vice and brush it while holding the tool in your hand. The latter is safer, however make sure in any case not to wear cotton or thick rubber gloves to avoid these get hooked by the rotating brush.
You can even use a hand brush with no power tool at all since intake valves only accumulate wet oily and soft carbon deposits on indirect injection engines and loose not so hard carbon deposits on direct injection engines.
You can either use a fixed drill fitted with a cup brush as shown below and then hold the valve in your hand and brush it all around, or hold the valve with a bench vice and brush it while holding the tool in your hand. The latter is safer, however make sure in any case not to wear cotton or thick rubber gloves to avoid these get hooked by the rotating brush.
Brush the intake valves for a minute until eliminating all deposits on all sides and on the valve rod as well.
Cleaning (brushing) the exhaust valves of a petrol engine
The carbon deposits on the exhaust valves are of a completely different nature than the ones found on the intake side.
These are a thick, hard white scale on their outer surface and a glass like ultra hard black deposit from inside.
The use of a steel wire brush is no more efficient and you will have to apply a stronger force on the brush to eliminate the scale, meaning the use of a fixed power drill is dangerous because your hand can slip with your fingers hitting the rotating brush or chuck.
These are a thick, hard white scale on their outer surface and a glass like ultra hard black deposit from inside.
The use of a steel wire brush is no more efficient and you will have to apply a stronger force on the brush to eliminate the scale, meaning the use of a fixed power drill is dangerous because your hand can slip with your fingers hitting the rotating brush or chuck.
Fix the valve on a bench vice making sure to use wooden pieces to avoid scratching the valve rod.
Use a small brass wire brush fitted on a power drill to brush and clean the exhaust valve (picture to the right).
The smaller the diameter of the brass brush and the better the result, simply because the brush wires are then harder.
Consider some 10 to 15 minutes per exhaust valve, reason why you should also wear ear protection.
Use a small brass wire brush fitted on a power drill to brush and clean the exhaust valve (picture to the right).
The smaller the diameter of the brass brush and the better the result, simply because the brush wires are then harder.
Consider some 10 to 15 minutes per exhaust valve, reason why you should also wear ear protection.