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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction. Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability. |
Preparatory works for the removal of a suspension control (track) arm
Lift the vehicle, put it on jack stands, compress the McPherson suspension springs and remove the driveshafts.
Note: you can still manage without removing the driveshafts but it is advised to take advantage of this intervention to drain the gearbox and replace the transmission oil.
Click on the below button to see how to compress the suspension springs, drain the gearbox then remove the driveshafts on a Peugeot 208.
Note: you can still manage without removing the driveshafts but it is advised to take advantage of this intervention to drain the gearbox and replace the transmission oil.
Click on the below button to see how to compress the suspension springs, drain the gearbox then remove the driveshafts on a Peugeot 208.
Removing the lower suspension arm (triangle) on the Peugeot 208
Once the ball joint of the lower suspension arm has been freed from the wheel hub, simply use a large ratchet handle to slacken the lower arm bolts nuts (picture to the left). You will need two ratchet handles, the largest one to continue unscrewing the suspension arm bolts nuts from beneath and a smaller one to block the bolt head from top (picture in the middle).
Remove the suspension arm bolt.
Remove the suspension arm bolt.
Hold the boomerang shaped suspension arm firmly and pull it out.
Use any tool that fits inside the suspension lower arm bush to inspect the wear of this part which is clearly visible in this picture.
Visit our specific page for noises coming from the front of a car for the symptoms of worn lower arm bushes when driving.
Visit our specific page for noises coming from the front of a car for the symptoms of worn lower arm bushes when driving.
Renewing and refitting the lower suspension arm on the Peugeot 208
Purchase the new suspension arm bushes and take all parts to a workshop that has a hydraulic press.
This is not necessarily a car repair workshop, rather a lathe workshop. The lathe operator will replace the bushes for you.
Ask the workshop to replace the bushes so you can refit the renewed lower arms by reversing the above steps.
In my country, replacing lower arm bushes at a lathe costs around $15 for both arms i.e. less than $4 per bush.
You can also replace the whole arm with a new one, this allows you to benefit from a new ball joint at the same time.
This is not necessarily a car repair workshop, rather a lathe workshop. The lathe operator will replace the bushes for you.
Ask the workshop to replace the bushes so you can refit the renewed lower arms by reversing the above steps.
In my country, replacing lower arm bushes at a lathe costs around $15 for both arms i.e. less than $4 per bush.
You can also replace the whole arm with a new one, this allows you to benefit from a new ball joint at the same time.