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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Car stereo / radio removal pictorial
To remove your car radio (stereo), proceed as per below instructions:
You will need the special car stereo (car radio) removal tool, supplied with the radio if you're buying a new one, or with the vehicle if you acquired a brandnew one. If this is not the case, you may buy the car radio extraction tool online, see further below.
It's a pair of U-shaped steel wire tools (DIN standard) or flat steel plates (SONY).
Do not attempt to remove your car radio (stereo) without the special tool that goes with it, since this will result in damaging both the car radio frame and car dashboard.
You will need the special car stereo (car radio) removal tool, supplied with the radio if you're buying a new one, or with the vehicle if you acquired a brandnew one. If this is not the case, you may buy the car radio extraction tool online, see further below.
It's a pair of U-shaped steel wire tools (DIN standard) or flat steel plates (SONY).
Do not attempt to remove your car radio (stereo) without the special tool that goes with it, since this will result in damaging both the car radio frame and car dashboard.
Insert the U-shaped tools in their intended holes then gently pull out your car radio unit.
The picture to the left shows how the tool eliminates the effect of the car stereo holders.
The picture to the left shows how the tool eliminates the effect of the car stereo holders.