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Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
Our pictorials are of informative nature and do illustrate works carried out by ourselves at our own premises for our own use and satisfaction.
Readers who envisage to carry out similar works inspired by the below method shall do this at their own risks and liability.
How to check and measure valve clearances on the PSA EB2 engine
The below pictorial follows a first part where the valves clearance has been measured in order to determine which solid valve lifters are to be replaced and which replacements are to be ordered.
Click on the below button to go to part 1.
Click on the below button to go to part 1.
Refitting new valve solid lifters
Once the ordered lifters are received, proceed with the replacement of the non-conforming lifters that were identified and marked on the cylinder head as shown in part 1 of this intervention.
Just put some motor oil on the new solid valve lifter and push it down after making sure indeed you're using the one with the right part number based on the measured gaps and thicknesses.
Just put some motor oil on the new solid valve lifter and push it down after making sure indeed you're using the one with the right part number based on the measured gaps and thicknesses.
Refitting the camshafts to the Peugeot 1.2 VTi engine
The camshafts are marked "EX" for the exhaust and "IN" for the intake.
Put the camshafts in place and refit the half-moon camshafts holders exactly in their intended place as marked prior to removing them.
Fit the camshafts bolts and tighten by hand first until contact.
Once all bolts are tightened by hand and after making sure that all camshafts holders adhere to the cylinder head surface, proceed with their final tightening to 0.5 then 1 mKg while observing a tightening order which is to progress from the ones in the middle towards the ones to the sides of the cylinder head. See the sequence diagram further below. Make sure to respect this camshaft bolts tightening sequence.
Once all bolts are tightened by hand and after making sure that all camshafts holders adhere to the cylinder head surface, proceed with their final tightening to 0.5 then 1 mKg while observing a tightening order which is to progress from the ones in the middle towards the ones to the sides of the cylinder head. See the sequence diagram further below. Make sure to respect this camshaft bolts tightening sequence.
Tightening sequence of the camshafts bolts on a Peugeot EB2 engine: